A little about Lotus.
She's turning six soon.
She has her personality, her likes, her dislikes. She is proud of her Chinese heritage but she also knows that some people don't like it.
A few days ago she was asked where she was from, she told me she pointed at our house. (We're in sight from the school.) She said they wanted another answer and she wasn't sure about that.
My child has her butt firmly on smartass island.
Sometimes she laughs and covers her mouth. I don't know where she learned that and I've been working on breaking her of the behavior. Her smile is too pretty to be hidden.
She still sleeps on her own bed in our room. Generally she can go almost a week before climbing into our bed to snuggle up.
Speaking of which she just climbed onto my lap for snuggles. I love that she still does this.
She prefers TV over most other screen time. We're strict about devices and not as strict about TV. She loves My Little Pony.
Her hair is long and she loves me to style it differently. She has her own sense of style and it lovely.
When she walks into school it reminds me of Norm on Cheers. Everyone yells her name in greeting. She doesn't do drama. And she has enough moxie that she sometimes disobeys her teachers. I kind of like that, even if it isn't always easy.
She's kind and she doesn't like it when others aren't. She makes me smile and gives me hope for the future.
She's almost six.
Seven years ago around this time I had no idea that my waiting was coming to an end. Seven years ago I was in Infertility hell.
Six years ago I had redone my home study and paperwork in hope.
I don't forget how it was living with infertility. I still feel pangs when her friends moms are pregnant. I feel bigger pangs when she asks for a brother or sister.
I wish all who wanted to, could know the love of a little girl like mine. Or a little boy. Or twins. Or. Or. Or.
Just know you have an ally. You have someone in your corner.
And my daughter.
This is a lovely tribute to your daughter. Keep it, and give it to her when she's 18. I love that she's kind. And that she has a great smile. And that she's like Norm on Cheers.